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Honorable Dr. Hilda Heine is a Marshallese educator and politician, who served as the eighth President of the Marshall Islands. Prior to assuming office, she served as the Minister of Education. Heine is the first woman to hold the Presidency of the Marshall Islands, and was also the first female president of any Micronesian country. She was the first individual in the Marshall Islands to earn a doctorate degree, and the founder of the women's rights group Women United Together Marshall Islands (WUTMI).

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Casey Camp-Horinek of the Ponca Nation is a community leader, long-time Native rights activist, Environmental Ambassador, actress, and WECAN Board Member and Senior Project Lead. As traditional Drumkeeper for the Ponca Pa-tha-ta, Woman’s Scalp Dance Society, Camp-Horinek helps maintain the cultural identity of the Ponca Nation of Oklahoma for herself, her family and her community. She has been at the forefront of grassroots community efforts to educate and empower both Native and non-Native community members on environmental and civil rights issues.

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Ruth Nyambura is a feminist political ecologist and activist from Kenya working on the intersections of gender, economy and ecological justice. Ruth is a founding member and the convener of the African Ecofeminists Collective and also works with several regional agrarian and climate justice movements to track and challenge the privatization of the agrarian commons. She describes her work and activism that uses a feminist political ecology lens to critically engage with the continent’s and global food systems, challenging neoliberal models of agrarian transformation and amplifying the revolutionary work of small-holder farmers of Africa—the majority of whom are women—as well as rural agrarian movements offering concrete anti-capitalist alternatives to the ecological, economic and democratic crisis facing the continent.

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Sônia Bone Guajajara is a Brazilian Indigenous leader serving as the Executive Coordinator for the Articulation of Indigenous Peoples of Brazil (APIB). Sônia is from the Araribóia Indigenous Land of the Guajajara people.  She graduated in Arts and Nursing, apart from being a specialist in Special Education by the State University of Maranhão.  She was a candidate for Vice-President of Brazil in the 2018 Elections; coordinator of the organizations and articulations of the indigenous peoples of Maranhão (COAPIMA); and of the Coordination of the Indigenous Organizations of the Brazilian Amazon (COIAB). In 2015, she received the Order of Cultural Merit from the Federal Government, through the Ministry of Culture.



Josefina Skerk is a advocate for Sami Rights and former Vice President of the Sami Parliament in Sweden. She was the youngest person ever elected to the Sami Parliament in 2009.. As a legal advisor at Civil Rights Defenders, she currently coordinate their work on promoting Sami Rights together with the Swedish Society for Nature Conservation. She is a member of the Sami community, the northernmost Indigenous Peoples in Europe.



Neema Namadamu is a visionary peacemaker from Bukavu, South Kivu Province in Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, where she advocates for peace, women’s rights, rights for persons with disabilities, rights for Indigenous pygmy peoples, and Rights of Nature. She is Founder and Director of SAFECO, the Synergy of Congolese Women’s Associations and Maman Shujaa: Hero Women of the Congo, through which she has established a media center for Congolese women to make their voices heard on the range of issues affecting their country. Neema also serves as WECAN International’s Coordinator in the Democratic Republic of Congo. As WECAN DRC Coordinator, Neema leads workshops and trainings with local women to address deforestation, build women’s leadership, support Traditional Ecologic Knowledge, and protect the rich ecosystems of the Itombwe rainforest. In June of 2012 Neema was selected as one of three World Pulse journalists for their annual Live Tour of the U.S., where she spoke before the U.S. Department of State, the Clinton Global Initiative, and was interviewed by CNN.

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Jody Williams received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1997 for her work to ban landmines through the International Campaign to Ban Landmines, which shared the Peace Prize with her that year. Since January of 2006, Jody Williams has worked toward those ends through the Nobel Women’s Initiative, which she chairs.  Along with sister Nobel Laureate Dr. Shirin Ebadi of Iran, she took the lead in establishing the Nobel Women’s Initiative.  They were joined at that time by sister Nobel Laureates Wangari Maathai (Kenya), Rigoberta Menchú Tum (Guatemala) and Betty Williams and Mairead Maguire (Northern Ireland). The Initiative uses the prestige of the Nobel Peace Prize and the influence and access of the women Nobel Laureates themselves to support and amplify the efforts of women around the world working for sustainable peace with justice and equality.

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Helena Siren Gualinga is a youth social activist, of Kichwa-Indigenous and Swedish origin. She is known for her advocacy for climate and environmental justice. Helena is a WECAN Young Women Project Lead. 



Maude Barlow is the former Chairperson of the Council of Canadians. She chairs the board of Washington-based Food and Water Watch, is a Councillor with the Hamburg-based World Future Council, and is the Honorary Chancellor of Brescia University. She has also served on the Executive Committee of the Global Alliance for the Rights of Nature, and is a 2005 winner of the Right Livelihood Award. 

From 2008–2009, she served as Senior Advisor on Water to the 63rd President of the United Nations General Assembly and was a leader in the campaign to have water recognized as a human right by the UN. 



Osprey Orielle Lake is the Founder and Executive Director of the Women's Earth and Climate Action Network (WECAN) International dedicated to accelerating a global women’s climate justice movement. She works nationally and internationally with grassroots and Indigenous leaders, policy-makers and scientists to promote climate justice, resilient communities, and a just transition to a decentralized, democratized energy future. She serves on the Executive Committee for the Global Alliance for the Rights of Nature and Osprey is the Co-Director of the Indigenous Women's Divestment Delegations, and actively leads WECAN’s advocacy, policy and campaign work in areas such as Women for Forests, Divestment and Just Transition, Indigenous Rights, a Feminist Agenda for a Green New Deal, and UN Forums. Osprey is the author of the award-winning book,"Uprisings for the Earth: Reconnecting Culture with Nature."





Osprey Orielle Lake is the Founder and Executive Director of the Women's Earth and Climate Action Network (WECAN) International dedicated to accelerating a global women’s climate justice movement. She works nationally and internationally with grassroots and Indigenous leaders, policy-makers and scientists to promote climate justice, resilient communities, and a just transition to a decentralized, democratized energy future. She serves on the Executive Committee for the Global Alliance for the Rights of Nature and Osprey is the Co-Director of the Indigenous Women's Divestment Delegations, and actively leads WECAN’s advocacy, policy and campaign work in areas such as Women for Forests, Divestment and Just Transition, Indigenous Rights, a Feminist Agenda for a Green New Deal, and UN Forums. Osprey is the author of the award-winning book,"Uprisings for the Earth: Reconnecting Culture with Nature."

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Ashley is the Virtual Event Coordinator for the Women's Earth and Climate Action Network(WECAN) International.  Ashley  is a Philadelphia born and New York raised activist, organizer and poet with a genuine love and respect for operations, organizing, and movement-based work. Formerly the Operations Director with the Peoples Climate Movement (2018 & 2019), she was a lead organizer for the 2018 Climate, Jobs, and Justice March and a Press & Security Lead for Greta Thunberg during the 2019 Climate Strike. Her core values rest at the heart of intersectional movement building for climate, racial, and economic justice. While Ashley has worked with the United Nations and Amnesty International, she spent the early years of her career as a Bronx-based social worker with the Audre Lorde Project and Daytop Village, working to create safe spaces for the BIPOC LGBT community and unfairly burdened adolescents. Ashley currently  sits on the board of Hired to Home, a non-profit which promotes the intentional hiring of persons experiencing homelessness in NYC and holds the position of WECAN’s Virtual Event Coordinator. Ashley obtained a BS in Social Work with New York University and later, an MA of International Relations from The City College of New York. She is a proud Queer Latina of Mexican-American descent working with her family to reconnect to their mother soil and healing the cultural losses of assimilation.    

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Katherine is the Communications and Outreach Coordinator for the Women's Earth and Climate Action Network (WECAN) International. Katherine was born and raised in rural central Oregon and is a citizen of the Confederated Tribes of Umatilla. Her dedication to climate justice is tied to the lands of her ancestors and the many communities nationally and around the world that are fighting for a healthy future. She is passionate about sharing her voice for justice, and collaborating with frontline women across Turtle Island (USA) and globally in resistance movements and climate solutions as the Communications and Outreach Coordinator for the Women’s Earth and Climate Action Network (WECAN). In her free time Katherine spends time in nature learning more about her ancestral lands, beading with her family, and learning new languages.

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Markeya is the Press Consultant for the Global Assembly for Climate Justice. Full bio coming soon. 

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Livia Charles graduated from Tulane University in 2018 with a degree in neuroscience and has worked at several environmental nonprofit organizations post college. She is currently a Researcher at the Women’s Earth and Climate Action Network (WECAN), and co-author of the WECAN report, Gendered and Racial Impacts of the Fossil Fuel Industry in North America and Complicit Financial Institutions: A Call to Action for the Health of our Communities and Nature in the Climate Crisis.

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Carmen is the WECAN coordinator for Latin America. Carmen of La Paz, Bolivia started Reacción Climática in 2010, as a volunteer organization which aims to raise awareness about the impacts of climate change on the Andean region. She has actively participated in different UN processes like the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and the Paris Agreement, with special emphasis on women's rights and gender equality - and most recently in the Escazú Agreement, advocating for Environmental Defenders. Carmen holds a degree from Bolivia as an Engineer in Agriculture, as well as a degree in Sustainable Rural Development from Egypt.

The Women’s Earth and Climate Action Network (WECAN) International is a solutions-based, multi-faceted organization established to engage women worldwide in policy advocacy, on-the-ground projects, trainings, and movement building for global climate justice.

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