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The Global Women’s Assembly for Climate Justice organizers have compiled a  list of recommended frameworks and initiatives  for governments and financial institutions that are in alignment with the 1.5 Paris Agreement target and an equitable path forward. This is not an exhaustive list, and does not reflect the many local and global frameworks and solutions that continue to drive global climate justice efforts, but rather serves to provide a strong analysis and tangible examples to complement the Global Women’s Assembly for Climate Justice’s Call to Action.

Frameworks, International Standards, and Initiatives for Governments

Feminist Fossil Free Future
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Feminist Fossil Free Future: A document from the Asia Pacific Forum on Women, Law and Development that calls for an alternative development model to gender-just, economic, political and social relationships in a world free from climate change.  It offers 8 initial ideas to start the conversation.

The Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty
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The Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty: This initiative calls on governments around the world to adopt and implement a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty to manage a global just transition away from coal, oil and gas. Urgent action is needed to end the expansion of fossil fuel production, phase out current production, and invest in renewable energy.

Just Transition Principles: A Framework for Change
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Just Transition: A Framework for Change: Just Transition is a vision-led, unifying and place-based set of principles, processes, and practices that build economic and political power to shift from an extractive economy to a regenerative, resilient, regenerative and equitable economies. The members of the Climate Justice Alliance have adapted the definition of Just Transition to represent a host of strategies to transition whole communities to build thriving economies that provide dignified, productive and ecologically sustainable livelihoods; democratic governance and ecological resilience and includes care for workers.

Consent is Everybody's Business
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Consent is Everybody's Business: This briefing paper outlines why financial institutions need to implement Free, Prior and Informed Consent and what banks must do to put commitments on FPIC into practice. It acknowledges that there are legitimate questions about how banks can operationalize FPIC commitments and aims to explain clearly why FPIC is important and outlines the forces that are making it a prominent human rights, environmental and governance issue. This paper also highlights how FPIC can help banks ensure that they have obtained an accurate situational analysis and help them manage operational, legal, financial, compliance and reputational risks.

Red, Black, and Green New Deal National Black Climate Agenda

Red, Black, and Green New Deal National Black Climate Agenda: The Red Black and Green New Deal (RBG New Deal), an initiative of the Movement for Black Lives (M4BL), puts Black liberation at the center of the global climate struggle, and addresses the impacts of climate change and environmental racism on Black communities. 

Universal Declaration of Rights of Mother Earth
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Universal Declaration of Rights of Mother Earth: ‘Rights of Nature’ is a framework and legal system based on the recognition and honoring of the Earth’s fundamental and inviolable right to exist, live, thrive, evolve and regenerate. Legal systems built on the premise of Rights of Nature challenge the idea that natural communities and ecosystems are property to be exploited endlessly by humans, and instead recognize the Earth as a living, rights-bearing entity. 

The Global Pact to Protect 80% of the Amazonia by 2025
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 The Global Pact to Protect 80% of the Amazonia by 2025: Amazonian Indigenous federations representing 511 nations and allies unite in calling for a global pact for the permanent protection of 80% of the Amazon by 2025 as an urgent measure to avert an imminent tipping point. 

Gender Equality & Just Transition: Discussion Paper
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Gender Equality & Just Transition: Discussion Paper: A discussion paper summarizing a dialogue at the UN climate change negotiations. The event explored how the Paris Agreement can be implemented in a just and equitable manner; based on a feminist analysis of a "just transition". Panelists also provided a review of gender responsive mandates and decisions under the UNFCCC, and concrete policy recommendations for enhancing gender-just implementation at national and regional levels, particularly with regards to finance provision.  

Hoodwinked in the Hothouse: Resist False Solutions to Climate Change
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Hoodwinked in the Hothouse: Resist False Solutions to Climate Change: Hoodwinked demonstrates how climate change false solutions perpetuate, expand and reinforce colonial-imperialism, ongoing patriarchal and white supremacist oppression, and today’s extreme neoliberal, globalized, industrial capitalist expansion. Because these false solutions are embedded in the root causes of climate change, this historical and ongoing conflict is generational, erecting a barrier that prevents the  implementation of real solutions. This zine serves as a tool to resist the false solutions.

Too Many (Loop)holes in the Net: "Net Zero" Promises Ring Hollow without "Zero Fossil Fuel" Pledges
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Too Many (Loop)holes in the Net: “Net Zero” Promises Ring Hollow Without “Zero Fossil Fuel” Pledges: This document explains what net-zero financing commitments are and why they must include a phaseout of fossil fuel financing. It describes how corporations are misusing  the concept of “netting” emissions to justify business-as-usual operations or additional fossil fuel production. The report calls to immediately phase out fossil fuels. 

Feminist Green New Deal
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Feminist Green New Deal: An intersectional and feminist perspective to the policy agenda surrounding the Green New Deal. A set of principles that call for a Green New Deal that is cross-cutting in its approach, steadfast in feminist principles, and strive to combat historical oppressions. 

Demands of Pacific Women - Rise for Climate Justice Every Day!
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Demands of Pacific Women — Rise for Climate Justice Every Day!: The Women Defend Commons is located in Fiji and the Pacific. The collective outlines five demands calling for immediate climate and gender justice. Women Defend Commons activists mobilise and organise on all aspects of gender, climate and ecological justice; the collective supports a diverse, intersectional and intergenerational movement and insists on local women-led action to lead the just transition. 

Frameworks, International Standards, and Initiatives for Financial Institutions

Principles for Paris-Aligned Financial Institutions: Climate Impact, Fossil Fuels and Deforestation
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Principles for Paris-Aligned Financial Institutions: Climate Impact, Fossil Fuels and Deforestation: A set of outlined principles that calls on financial institutions who have committed to “Paris alignment” to commit to aligning with the Paris Agreement’s goal of limiting global warming to 1.5°C while respecting all human rights and the specific rights of Indigenous Peoples.  

SLOW BURN: The Asset Managers Betting Against the Planet
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 SLOW BURN: The Asset Managers Betting Against the Planet: This report surveys 29 major asset managers, mostly based in Europe and among the biggest institutions in terms of assets under management. It analyzes their investment practices regarding climate change, using coal as the most straightforward benchmark on climate, and contains a scorecard that focuses on coal, as one of the easiest asset classes financial institutions can begin to act on and as the sector that requires the most urgent exit.

Consent is Everybody's Business
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Consent is Everybody's Business: This briefing paper outlines why financial institutions need to implement Free, Prior and Informed Consent and what banks must do to put commitments on FPIC into practice. It acknowledges that there are legitimate questions about how banks can operationalize FPIC commitments and aims to explain clearly why FPIC is important and outlines the forces that are making it a prominent human rights, environmental and governance issue, including, among other aspects, rapidly escalating violence towards people who peacefully speak out on land-related issues. This paper also highlights how FPIC can help banks ensure that they have obtained an accurate situational analysis and help them manage operational, legal, financial, compliance and reputational risks.

Free Prior and Informed Consent: Due Diligence Questionnaire
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Free Prior and Informed Consent: Due Diligence Questionnaire: This questionnaire provides a list of considerations for investors seeking to implement best practices as to operationalizing the free, prior and informed consent (FPIC) of  Indigenous peoples regarding development of resources on and near their lands and territories. This questionnaire was developed to inform engagement between Indigenous peoples and non-governmental entities from outside the community.

Developing Effect Grievance Mechanisms for Banks
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Developing Effect Grievance Mechanisms for Banks: As banks continue to lend to projects that adversely impact vulnerable people, there is an increasing global call for banks to have grievance mechanisms available for communities to raise complaints and seek remedy.  This paper reviews banks’ responsibilities and provides suggestions and recommendations for how banks can develop and implement effective operational-level grievance mechanisms that will be legitimate, trusted and meet their responsibilities under the Guiding Principles. 

Hoodwinked in the Hothouse: Resist False Solutions to Climate Change
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Hoodwinked in the Hothouse: Resist False Solutions to Climate Change: Hoodwinked demonstrates how climate change false solutions perpetuate, expand and reinforce colonial-imperialism, ongoing patriarchal and white supremacist oppression, and today’s extreme neoliberal, globalized, industrial capitalist expansion. Because these false solutions are embedded in the root causes of climate change, this historical and ongoing conflict is generational, erecting a barrier that prevents the  implementation of real solutions. This zine serves as a tool to resist the false solutions.

Too Many (Loop)holes in the Net: "Net Zero" Promises Ring Hollow Without "Zero Fossil Fuel" Pledges
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Too Many (Loop)holes in the Net: “Net Zero” Promises Ring Hollow Without “Zero Fossil Fuel” Pledges: This document explains what net-zero financing commitments are and why they must include a phaseout of fossil fuel financing. It describes how corporations are misusing  the concept of “netting” emissions to justify business-as-usual operations or additional fossil fuel production. The report calls to immediately phase out fossil fuels. 

An Ecofeminist Impact Assement Framework
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An Ecofeminist Impact Assessment Framework: WoMin African Alliance led a process to develop and implement a groundbreaking ecofeminist framework to explore and expose the impacts of the Sendou I coal plant in Bargny, Senegal on women. The aim for the assessment framework is for it to be used to halt the construction of projects before the most serious impacts are felt. It comprises 4 indicators with standards to guide assessment. 

Gendered and Racial Impacts of the Fossil Fuel Industry in North American and Complicit Financial Institutions

Gendered and Racial Impacts of the Fossil Fuel Industry in North America and Complicit Financial Institutions: A Call to Action for the Health of our Communities and Nature in the Climate Crisis: This report addresses the disproportionate gender and race-specific health and safety impacts as well as human and Indigenous rights issues of fossil fuel extraction and infrastructure in the United States and selected parts of Canada.  

The Women’s Earth and Climate Action Network (WECAN) International is a solutions-based, multi-faceted organization established to engage women worldwide in policy advocacy, on-the-ground projects, trainings, and movement building for global climate justice.

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