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WECAN MENA Supporting Mediterranean Youth in the Fight Against Climate Change

Blog by: Soumeya Lerari, WECAN MENA Network Member

On Sunday 17th, July 2016, the Youth Mediterranean Climate  Forum  began as a pre-event to the MEDCOP (The Convention of Climate Stakeholders in the Mediteranian Region), in the city of Tangier, Morocco. The aim of this forum was to bring young people from the 22 Mediterranean countries to voice the position of Mediterranean youth in the fight against climate change.

Around 200 participants attended the event representing a wide range of environmental associations and NGOs from across the region. The Women’s Earth and Climate Action Network (WECAN) International was represented by its regional WECAN MENA team at two levels.

Fadoua Brour presenting the objectives of the Forum

Along with representatives of 5 associations (CliMates, Arab Youth Climate Movement, Italian Climate Network, Leaders Club and the Moroccan Youth Climate Movement, recently joined by, WECAN MENA leaders Imene Bouchair and Fadoua Brour (also representing the Moroccan Youth Climate Movemen) served as co-Founder and organizers of the forum. This group of young women and men worked all together voluntarily and remotely  for three months with relentless and passionate commitment to make this event a success.

In addition to the deep organizing role, WECAN MENA members: Mouna Loubna Djeghri and Soumeya Lerari, provided a highly appreciated input during the forum.

Fadoua Brour (left) and Imene Bouchair (right) discussing the outcomes of MYCF

The Mediterranean Youth Climate Forum had three main objectives for the forum and action moving forward.

Creation of the the Mediterranean Youth Climate Network in order to syncronize efforts and echo the voice of the Mediterranean youth during climate youth events and climate summits and conferences.Allow participants to meet and discuss the challenges that climate change presents to the Mediterranean region ; discuss and create synergies through the projects that are currently carried out by the youth in the different countries; share experiences and present at initiatives such as the COY12 (Conference of the Youth 12, in Marrakesh next November.)Train the participants to undertake efficient climate actions, through several workshops organized into the future

Soumeya Lerari (right), participating to the Panel discussion on the creation of the  MYCN and the conclusions of the working groups on the topic.

At the end of the Forum, the founding associations and presented a Charter instituting the Mediterranean Youth Climate Network, strategic debates sessions on the Charter, long-term and short-term objectives of the Network and other aspects regarding this important project.

Soumeya Lerari, during an interview with a Moroccan news channel

The MYCF and the creation of the Mediterranean Youth Climate Network (MYCN) will serve as an exciting doorway for WECAN MENA to expand on the ground and online climate solutions trainings, and to learn, strategize and collaborate into the future with Mediterranean region youth and women.

Most importantly, the establishment of the Mediterranean Youth Climate Network will serve as a platform to echo the voices of women of the region in the fight against climate change, working towards WECAN International’s mission to unite women worldwide as powerful stakeholders in sustainability solutions, policy advocacy, and worldwide movement building for social and ecologic justice.

Learn more about the Youth Mediterranean Climate  Forum here.


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