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Patricia Gualinga of Sarayaku Ecuador Delivers High Level Intervention at COP23 Bonn

During the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) COP23 climate talks in Bonn, Germany – Patricia Gualinga of the Kichwa Pueblo of Sarayaku, Ecuador delivered a powerful high-level intervention on one of the closing evenings of the conference.

The Women’s Earth and Climate Action Network is honored to have helped support Patricia’s presence at COP23 Bonn, where she participated as a member of the WECAN, Amazon Watch, and Indigenous delegations.

Watch the video – and read the full transcription below!


"My name is Patricia Gualinga and I come from the Kichwa People of Sarayaku in the Ecuadorian Amazon.

Our peoples fight for Mother Earth. Governments and the private sector only distract from the reality of climate change with their false solutions.

Climate change is not a business! Carbon markets, REDD + and geoengineering are nothing but distractions and attempts to maintain the system.

We, the grassroots communities and indigenous peoples of the world, we have the real solutions. From the people of Sarayaku to Standing Rock, from the Ogoniland to Lancashire to the Ende Gelände movement here in Germany – we are all fighting against destruction and for a decent life.

We are fighting for Climate Justice! We must keep fossil fuels in the ground!

We demand a profound transformation of the energy system and no new extraction. We demand a just transition to a 100% safe renewable energy for everyone. We’ve had enough with the financing of fossil fuels and false solutions.

Our struggle is for life, for justice, for Mother Earth. For women, youth, our children and their children. For our future!


Mi nombre es Patricia Gualinga vengo del Pueblo Kichwa de Sarayaku en la Amazonía Ecuatoriana. Nuestros pueblos luchan y resisten por la Madre Tierra. Los gobiernos e industrias solo distraen de la realidad con sus soluciones falsas.

El cambio climático no es un negocio! Mercados de carbono, REDD+ e ingenieria climatica son sólo distracciones y negocios para mantener el sistema.

Nosotros, las comunidades de base y los pueblos indígenas del mundo, tenemos las soluciones reales. Desde el pueblo de Sarayaku a Standing Rock, del Lancashire a Ogoniland al movimiento de Ende Gelände aqui en Alemania – todos luchamos contra la destrucción y por una vida digna.

Luchamos por Justicia Climática! Tenemos que dejar combustibles fósiles bajo suelo!

Demandamos una transformación profunda y no más extracciones. Demandamos una transición justa al 100% de energía renovable y segura para todos! YA BASTA con el financiamiento de combustibles fósiles y las soluciones falsas.

Nuestra lucha es por la vida, por justicia, por la Madre tierra. Por las mujeres, los jóvenes, nuestros hijos, y sus hijos. Por nuestro futuro!


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