Divest Invest Protect is a critical, intersectional, and Indigenous-led divestment campaign calling for respect of indigenous peoples human rights by banks, businesses, and financial institutions.
The Divest Invest Protect organizes with, centers, and provides platforms for indigenous women and peoples to interface with banks and financial institutions in defense of nature, human dignity, and their human rights.
Mission Statement
To make visible and aid indigenous peoples demands for human rights, climate justice, and accountability from banks, insurance companies, and financial institutions.
Vision Statement
Building a world where indigenous peoples may fully enjoy their human rights and freely determine their economic modalities and development.
DIVEST from fossil fuel-related companies and financial institutions that negatively impact Indigenous and human rights, and local and global waters and the climate.
INVEST in Indigenous Peoples as central actors in shaping economic change and decision-making regarding their lands and territories. Invest in sustainable renewable energy and a just transition. Invest in better and more just economic initiatives, paradigms, and structures.
PROTECT and advance Indigenous Peoples and human rights, lands, and territories. Protect water, land, and climate from pipelines, fossil fuel infrastructure and extraction at the source.

Indigenous Women’s Divestment Delegation before a meeting with Deutsche Bank in Germany - Photo via Teena Pugliese/WECAN International

Delegates at the Norwegian Parliament - Photo via Teena Pugliese/ WECAN International
Divest Invest Protect – Core Aims and Goals:
Protect the climate and defend human, Indigenous, and nature rights through education, advocacy and action that challenges financial institutions and injustices.
Partner with grassroots, frontline, and Indigenous women leaders for strategic campaigns and targeted delegations to call for divestment and stop pipelines, fossil fuel infrastructure and extraction at the source.
Defend Indigenous and nature rights, and Indigenous human rights including, Free, Prior, and Informed Consent.
Stand up for and with Water Protectors and defenders of the land.
Advocate for investment in sustainable renewable energy and new banking structures.
Highlight the power, and role of women protecting water, land, climate and communities.
Create spaces for dialogue regarding banks and governments and human rights and Indigenous rights.
Give voice to the impacts of extractive industries on women and children.
Divest Invest Protect - Core Calls to Action:
Divestment and accountability to human rights, Indigenous rights, nature rights, women’s rights.
Investment in a just transition to renewable energy.
Implementation of the UN Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.
Affirm of the Rights of Nature as stated in the Universal Declaration on the Rights of Mother Earth.
Strengthen the protection of Indigenous lands, territories, and natural resources.
Call for banks businesses, and Nation States to respect human rights, inherent tribal sovereign rights, and Indigenous treaty rights.
Divest Invest Protect - Team
Divest Invest Protect was founded by Michelle Cook, Dine' (Navajo) human rights lawyer. The Divest, Invest, Protect team includes indigenous peoples, artists, grassroots organizers, civil society organizations, law students, and human rights lawyers, dedicated to human rights, climate, and economic justice. The Indigenous Women's Divestment Delegations is a partnership between the Divest Invest Protect program (DIP) and the Women's Earth and Climate Action Network (WECAN) International. Michelle Cook and Osprey Orielle Lake, Founder of WECAN International, are the Co-Directors of the Indigenous Women's Divestment Delegations and Education Program.
Please donate to the Divest Invest Protect Campaign here and indicate for DIP campaign
Divest Invest Protect - Programs
Divest Invest Protect focuses on five areas:
creating direct engagements with indigenous women impacted by extractive industries with bank and financial institution representatives;
sustained public pressure on banks through strategic media like artist installations, social media campaigns, and videos;
distilling and archiving the lessons learned in accessible media formats for online curriculum and community education purposes;
providing continued documentation, information, and testimony regarding the violations of indigenous peoples human rights to banks and financial institutions invested in development projects in their territories;
exploring human rights mechanisms for justice and accountability.
Indigenous peoples will have the opportunities to:
a) set the tone, the discourse, and the narrative of how banks impact and will interact with indigenous peoples around the world;
b) engage with banks through direct contacts and public media relating to divestment is an innovative approach to creating racial justice, economic democracy, and human rights for indigenous communities;
c) to continue education and advocacy efforts related to bank divestment from companies causing and/or contributing to indigenous human rights abuses in the United States and the world;
d) advocate for indigenous economic rights and their visions and practices of just and sustainable economies.
Protection Program: Business and Indigenous Human
Rights Legal Education and Advocacy
Indigenous peoples human rights are targeted and in need of protection and legal defense.
Divest Invest Protect has developed curriculum and research projects with international human rights legal clinics and graduate students to produce and research critical policy which impacts indigenous peoples. Collaborative work includes clinical work with the International Human Rights Advocacy Workshop, at the University of Arizona School of Law Indigenous Peoples Law and Policy Program (IPLP), the Water Protector Legal Collective (WPLC), and the International Human Rights Clinic at Western New England University School of Law.
In 2019, Divest Invest Protect worked in partnership with WPLC and IPLP to bring a delegation of indigenous women to the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights to testify on the criminalization of indigenous human rights defenders in the Americas.

IPLP Clinical Law Students, Tucson Arizona 2018
Divest Invest Project
Multimedia public art installations in the form of projections with indigenous artists continue creative pressure on banks, states, and financial institutions to acknowledge and respect indigenous people’s human rights in their investments. This art will reflect indigenous people’s future aspirations of public banking institutions, tribal economic development, and alternative economic systems and paradigms.

Boston Massachusetts, March 2019
Indigenous Women’s Divestment Delegations
The Indigenous Women's Divestment Delegations is a partnership between the Divest Invest Protect program (DIP) and the Women's Earth and Climate Action Network (WECAN) International. Michelle Cook, Dine' (Navajo) human rights lawyer and Founder of DIP and Osprey Orielle Lake, Founder of WECAN International, are the Co-Directors of the Indigenous Women's Divestment Delegations.

Indigenous Women's Divestment Delegation to Norway and Switzerland outside of Norges Bank before meeting with Norway’s Government Pension Fund Global, Spring 2017. (Left to right) Wasté Win Young, Dr.Sarah Jumping Eagle, Michelle Cook, Autumn Chacon, Tara Houska, with Delegate organizer, Osprey Orielle Lake - Photo via WECAN International

Spring 2017, Autumn 2017, Spring 2018, and Autumn 2018 Indigenous Women’s Divestment Delegations have been central components of ‘Divest, Invest, Protect’ programming.
The central goal of Indigenous Women’s Divestment Delegations, organized by WECAN International with the leadership of Indigenous women and their directives, is to provide a platform for Indigenous women leaders to meet face-to-face with representatives of European and U.S. financial institutions, insurance companies, and credit-rating agencies, to expose injustices, and directly share with these entities - and the public, press, and government representatives - exactly how their fossil fuel investments violate human rights and Indigenous rights, while also driving climate disruption. Ultimately, these Delegations and future Delegations seek to put pressure on institutions to divest funds from fossil fuel extraction and infrastructure immediately, as well as to systematically change their policies regarding Indigenous and human rights and climate change.
Norway, Switzerland and Germany have been key focus areas of Delegations, due to the fact that these countries are home to some of the largest institutions financing extraction across North America and around the world. Delegations have also traveled to Washington D.C. and New York City in the U.S. for key meetings, events and actions - learn more below!
Spring 2017
During the Spring 2017 Delegation, women leaders engaged in many high level meetings, including with the Norwegian Sovereign Wealth Fund, DNB (the Bank of Norway), the Norwegian Parliament, Credit Suisse Bank, and UBS. The Delegation was covered by international news outlets and on national television and radio in Norway and Switzerland, helping to raise awareness and to bring more pressure to financial institutions to divest (please see media links below!). The Delegation also met with local Indigenous Sami leaders and other local groups for further solidarity and movement building.
In Norway, the advocacy of the Indigenous Women's Divestment Delegation was instrumental in pushing DNB bank to sell their $331 million dollar credit line to DAPL, following strong advocacy efforts from many groups, and an independent investigation in which DNB affirmed the violation of Indigenous rights and failure to properly consult the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe.
Delegates of the first Indigenous Women’s Divestment Delegation to Norway and Switzerland included Dr. Sarah Jumping Eagle (Oglala Lakota and Mdewakantonwan Dakota living and working on the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation); Wasté Win Young (Ihunktowanna/Hunkpapa of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, Former Tribal Historic Preservation Officer); Michelle Cook (Diné/Navajo, human rights lawyer and a founding member of the of the Water Protector Legal Collective at Standing Rock); Tara Houska (Anishinaabe, tribal attorney, National Campaigns Director of Honor the Earth, and former advisor on Native American affairs to Bernie Sanders); and Autumn Chacon (Diné/Navajo writer and performance artist); along with Osprey Orielle Lake (WECAN International Executive Director).
Learn more via the feature article in EcoWatch - Indigenous Women of Standing Rock Resistance Movement Speak Out on Divestment
Spring 2017 Indigenous Women’s Divestment Delegation with members of the Norwegian Parliament - Photo via WECAN International

Indigenous Women’s Divestment Delegation presenting at a public event in Oslo, Norway - Photo via WECAN International

Tara Houska and Dr. Sara Jumping Eagle on national television in Norway speaking out for divestment - Photo via WECAN International
Autumn 2017
Over two weeks in early October 2017, a second Delegation traveled to Germany, Switzerland and Norway to follow up and continue forward motion on advocacy efforts, and participate in a variety of strategic platforms; high-level bank, insurance company and government meetings; public events; and press conferences.
Delegates shared their experiences and analysis, emphasizing that Indigenous people are demanding their rights as outlined in international law (including Free, Prior and Informed Consent), and calling for divestment of corporate level or project level finance from extractive fossil fuel projects at the source and in infrastructure, such as the Dakota Access Pipeline, Line 3 and Keystone XL, which threaten Indigenous rights, sovereignty, lands and ways of life.
Autumn 2017 Delegation members included - LaDonna BraveBull Allard (Lakota historian, member of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe and founder/landowner of Sacred Stone Camp); Michelle Cook (Diné/Navajo, human rights lawyer and a founding member of the of the Water Protector Legal Collective at Standing Rock); Jackie Fielder (Mnicoujou Lakota and Mandan-Hidatsa, Campaign Coordinator of Lakota People's Law Project and organizer with Mazaska Talks); and Tara Houska (Anishinaabe, tribal attorney, National Campaigns Director of Honor the Earth, and former advisor on Native American affairs to Bernie Sanders); alongside Osprey Orielle Lake (WECAN International Executive Director).
Indigenous Women’s Divestment Delegation To Europe, Autumn 2017 (left to right): Michelle Cook (Diné/Navajo), LaDonna Brave Bull Allard ( Standing Rock Sioux Lakota), Tara Houska (Anishinaabe), and Jackie Fielder (Mnicoujou Lakota and Mandan-Hidatsa) in Norway - Photo via Teena Pugliese

Over the course of this Autumn 2017 Delegation, WECAN International organized ten high-level meetings, including with Norwegian Parliamentarians, DNB, the Council on Ethics to the Norwegian Oil Fund, UBS, Credit Suisse, Zurich Insurance, Swiss Re Insurance, BayernLB, Allianz, Deutsche Bank and organized two strategy sessions with local groups in Switzerland and Germany and held three public events.
The Delegation was invited to return by Norwegian Parliamentarians to support further efforts to include Indigenous rights in the guidelines of the Norwegian Sovereign Wealth Fund. Reuters reported on the Delegation's divestment meeting with the Council on Ethics to the Norwegian Sovereign Fund held on October 3rd 2017, after the Council stated that it is now reviewing allegations that Energy Transfer Partners, the pipeline company behind Dakota Access Pipeline and many others, may be breaching the fund’s investment guidelines related to the environment, human rights and other issues.
On November 21, 2017 the executives of the Norwegian Sovereign Wealth Fund recommended to the Norwegian Parliament that all gas and oil investments be removed from the fund. In December of 2017, DNB and UBS, two of the banks the Delegation met with and sent evidence to regarding rights violations, chose not to renew ETP’s credit facilities with their institutions.
Listen to Michelle Cook share more about this work on Rising Up With Sonali - Indigenous Women Take Pipeline Activism
Spring 2018
Representatives of the Spring 2018 Indigenous Women's Divestment Delegation to Europe, in Germany outside of Deutsche Bank - Photo via WECAN International

A third Indigenous Women's Delegation returned to Germany and Switzerland in Spring 2018.
During high-level meetings with officials from UBS, Deutsche Bank, Credit Suisse and the Swiss government; a public education event in Zurich; and direct actions outside bank headquarters and a shareholder meeting - Indigenous women leaders and allies advocated against unwanted extractive development in Indigenous territories, and raised a call for adherence to the standards of Indigenous rights and human rights law, and meaningful action to divest funds from fossil fuel companies.
At the Credit Suisse annual shareholder meeting in Zurich, Switzerland, the Divestment Delegation presented powerful statements - speaking with fierce truth and dignity to expose exactly how the bank's money has contributed both historically and currently to violations of Indigenous rights, human rights, and the health of the global climate and water.
The Spring 2018 Delegation was comprised of both frontline community leaders, and tribal officials who serve or have served in official capacities for their Tribal Nations - Charlene Aleck (Elected councillor for Tsleil Waututh Nation, Sacred Trust Initiative, Canada); Dr. Sara Jumping Eagle (Oglala Lakota and Mdewakantonwan Dakota pediatrician, living and working on the Standing Rock Reservation, North Dakota); Wasté Win Yellowlodge Young (Ihunktowanna/ Hunkpapa of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, Former Tribal Historic Preservation Officer); Monique Verdin (Member of South Louisiana's United Houma Nation Tribal Council and the Another Gulf Is Possible Collaborative); and Michelle Cook (Diné/Navajo, human rights lawyer) - along with Osprey Orielle Lake (WECAN International Executive Director).
Two of the banks that the Delegation met with over this and previous delegations - UBS and DNB - both chose to not renew their credit facilities with Energy Transfer Partners (the company behind the Dakota Access, Bayou Bridge, and other pipelines) at the end of last year, removing hundreds of millions of dollars from the table. Recently, HSBC announced it will no longer provide financing for new tar sands projects, and BNP Paribas made a similar announcement last year.
Explore coverage of this delegation via The Ecologist article - Indigenous Women’s Divestment Delegation Calls On Banks To Withdraw Funding From Fossil Fuels
Read the feature article by Michelle Cook and Osprey Orielle Lake via EcoWatch - Standing Against the Banks: DAPL Divestment and Water Protectors' Fight for Justice, Indigenous Rights, Water and Life
Divestment Delegates and Swiss allies during a direct action outside of Credit Suisse and UBS banks in Zurich - Photo via Alexander Boethius/WECAN International

Autumn 2018
Autumn 2018 Indigenous Women's Divestment Delegation members outside of the White House in Washington D.C.
- Photo via Teena Pugliese

A fourth Indigenous Women's Divestment Delegation traveled to New York City and Washington D.C. in October 2018 - where women leaders took action and engaged in high-level meetings with major credit rating agency, Morgan Stanley Capital International (MSCI), and bank association, the Equator Principle Association - whose policies and decisions significantly impact the forecasts for investments in fossil fuel projects around the world.
October 2018 Indigenous Women's Divestment Delegation members brought with them knowledge, data and analysis, and personal testimony as women leaders active in struggles including opposition of the Dakota Access, Bayou Bridge, Keystone XL, and Line 3 Pipeline. Delegates were - Wasté Win Yellowlodge Young (Ihunktowanna/ Hunkpapa of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, Former Tribal Historic Preservation Officer); Jessica Parfait (United Houma Nation, Graduate student at Louisiana State University exploring impacts of oil and gas on Houma tribal communities); Tara Houska (Couchiching First Nation Anishinaabe, Tribal attorney, National Campaigns Director of Honor the Earth, and former advisor on Native American affairs to Bernie Sanders); Michelle Cook (Diné, Human rights lawyer); and Leoyla Cowboy (Diné, member of The Red Nation, and community organizer for the Water Protector Legal Collective) - joined by Osprey Orielle Lake (Executive Director of the Women's Earth and Climate Action Network).
Michelle Cook speaks out during a meeting in NYC - Photo via Teena Pugliese

In New York City, delegation members met with the MSCI credit rating agency representatives to share testimony and demands for urgently needed changes to their policies and procedures, which currently enable dangerous extraction and rights violations. Ongoing exchanges and advocacy are now underway with MSCI.
Alongside Rainforest Action Network and other allies, the Delegation also took action outside of a central Chase bank in Manhattan to demand that Chase completely remove themselves from the tar sands sector.
A core focus of the action was bringing attention to Chase's immoral plans to continue financial credit lines to Line 3 pipeline, which has not received consent from the Indigenous Peoples whose territories and rights are being affected, and which is furthering fossil fuel development despite clear scientific warnings that extraction must stop if the global community is to respect the Paris Climate Agreement and stay below a 1.5 degree rise in global temperature. Watch a live video of the NYC Chase bank action here.
In Washington D.C., the Indigenous Women's Divestment Delegation participated in a meeting with Equator Principles Association representatives, again delivering vital data and stories from their communities.
The Equator Principles Association includes 94 of the largest international banks, who have voluntarily signed-on to due diligence standards that should guide member banks away from supporting projects which endanger the Earth, human and Indigenous rights, and communities.
After human rights violations at Standing Rock, the EP Association promised to review and update the Equator Principles, however in the meantime, EP banks have continued to support dangerous extractive projects including Energy Transfer Partner's Bayou Bridge Pipeline, Enbridge's Line 3, and TransCanada's Keystone XL.
Indigenous Women's Divestment Delegation and allies prepare for action outside
Chase bank in New York City - Photo via Erik McGregor

Through the Delegation and the Divest, Invest, Protect program, we are specifically calling for EP banks to implement full respect for Indigenous rights to Free, Prior and Informed Consent; outline a detailed timeline for a managed decline of investments in fossil fuels; and vigorous investments in regenerative, renewable energy.
A public action was also organized outside of the EP banks annual member meeting, during which Indigenous women delegates and allied organizational leaders sent a message to those inside, and engaged the public and the media about the need for full divestment from fossil fuels and respect for Indigenous rights. Watch the live video from the Equator Principles bank action here.
The Indigenous Women's Divestment Delegation on 55 Wall Street, the original New York Stock Exchange, making the historical connections between patriarchy, colonization and capitalism - Photo via Teena Pugliese

Project Leader
Women's Earth and Climate Action Network (WECAN) International
Explore Press Releases From Divestment Delegations:
Explore Key Videos & Media Highlights
From Divestment Delegations:
[VIDEO] - Indigenous Women’s Divestment Delegation Rising For Rights, Climate 2018
[VIDEO] - Indigenous Women's Divestment Delegation Confronts Credit Suisse at Shareholder Meeting
[VIDEO] - Standing For Water, Rights & Justice - Indigenous Women's Divestment Delegation To Europe
[VIDEO] Facebook Livestream - Indigenous Women’s Divestment Delegation Action in Zurich
The Laura Flanders Show - Divest to Decolonize: Michelle Cook & Hartman Deetz
Clean Technica - Protestors Call Out Hypocrisy At Equator Principles Meeting
Credit Suisse Annual Shareholder Meeting Recording - WECAN Divestment Delegation at 1.51.28
Tele Zuri - General Meeting of Credit Suisse in the Hallenstadion
DW Germany - Indigenous Women Show The Way For Banks To Divest From Fossil Fuels
SBS Australia - 'No more pipelines': First Nations women hold Swiss banks accountable
Reuters - Norway Wealth Fund Watchdog Reviewing Investment in U.S. Pipeline Firm
Yes Magazine! - Why Native American Women Are Going After Europe’s Banks to Divest From Big Oil
Rising Up With Sonali - Indigenous Women Take Pipeline Activism
Global Klimaretter Germany - Standing Rock im Bank-Tower, Standing rock in the bank tower
Frankfurter Rundschau - Indianerinnen im Bank-Tower, Indigenous Women In The Bank Tower
In These Time - Native American Women Target European Banks to Block Big Oil
WOZ Germany - Sechs gegen den Finanzplatz, Six Against The Financial Center
EcoWatch - Indigenous Women of Standing Rock Resistance Movement Speak Out on Divestment