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Monday, April 24, 2017


Emily Arasim, Women’s Earth and Climate Action Network,

Juliana Vélez Uribe, Women’s Environment and Development Organization,

Women for Climate Justice To Unite In Action At The People’s Climate March

WASHINGTON, D.C. (April 24, 2017) –  On April 29, 2017, a diverse coalition of women’s groups, climate justice organization and allies will unite to march as a Women for Climate Justice Contingent at the People’s Climate March for Jobs, Justice and the Climate in Washington D.C., and in support of local marches happening across the country.


The March comes as the culmination of strong actions organized by the climate justice, immigrant and refugee rights, Indigenous sovereignty, Black Lives Matter and other intersectional movements over the first 100 days of the Trump Administration presidency.


The Women for Climate Justice Contingent will speak out and take action at the 2017 People’s Climate March to give voice to women’s disproportionate vulnerability to the impacts of climate change, while also showing the diversity, strength and solutions of global women leaders.


The Contingent aims to send a clear message to the U.S. Administration and world governments that, as women, many of whom stand on the frontlines of climate change, we are gravely concerned about the impacts of climate change, and the implications of a U.S. Administration that promotes climate skepticism, advancement of fossil fuels, an extractive economy, environmental racism, bigotry and inequitable treatment of women and girls. 


The Contingent is organizing in a decentralized manner via social media. Press and media are invited to engage with spokeswomen in advance of the march to understand why women are key to climate justice and solutions; and also encouraged to contact organizers of the Women for Climate Justice Contingent to engage on the ground and accompany the Women for Climate Justice Contingent during the People’s Climate March in Washington D.C.


“As women, we understand the responsibility of ensuring the health of Mother Earth, the waters and the sacred system of life.  When we stand together our authority and power is magnified and nothing will stop us from ensuring a vibrantly healthy future for generations to come.  This is our responsibility and what we were born to do this at this time. ” explained Pennie Opal Plant, Founding Member, Idle No More SF Bay


"When we refer to a just transition away from fossil fuels, we must challenge new industries to also transition away from prevailing power structures and a sexually disaggregated labor force...We  also must continue to grapple with the broader implications of transitioning to low-carbon economies in a just way, including in regards to re-thinking the current sexual division of labor, promoting decent work for women in under-valued fields such as care work; the (social) service sector; sustainable, locally focused agriculture and fisheries; as well as locally governed renewable energies with women participating equally as shareholders, owners, and fairly remunerated workers. We must also tackle issues of land rights, inheritance, and access to credit.” explained Bridget Burns, Co-Director, Women’s Environment and Development Organization (WEDO)


“The 2017 People's Climate March is an urgent moment to demonstrate the collective resistance, action power and solutions of the climate justice movement. Women for Climate Justice will be marching in D.C. and across the country to make clear that we refuse to continue to allow the health and survival of our communities and the Earth's living systems to be sacrificed for profit. We are raising our voices in the streets, the forests, the fields, the courtrooms and the halls of government to demonstrate that a just and livable future is possible, and that women will be ceaseless in our work to protect and defend the Earth and the global climate. Despite experiencing the impacts of climate change with disproportionate severity, women are rising everyday to build the solutions we need. From divestment campaigns, renewable energy projects, agro-ecology practices, fossil fuel resistance to defending women’s, Indigenous and Earth rights, women are leading the way ,” explained Osprey Orielle Lake, Executive Director, Women’s Earth and Climate Action Network (WECAN) International


"While the burdens of climate change reach women first and worst, women are more than victims, they're leaders. I am glad to be marching with women who face real climate impacts. We marched on day one and we are marching on day 100, as women, as climate activists, as people who care about our planet's future."  explained A.Tianna Scozzaro, Director, Gender, Equity and Environment, Sierra Club 


“We need a Just Transition, from fossil fuels to renewable energy, by which the inequalities that exist in the traditional energy sector are left behind. A just transition that challenges new industries to also move away from prevailing power structures, one that is decentralized, gender-responsive and respectful of human rights,”  explained Daniela Pedraza, Gender, Jobs & Justice Fellow, Women’s Environment and Development Organization (WEDO)


“Women are not only on the frontlines of the climate crisis, we are essential to the solutions. I want my daughter to inherit a world where a healthy environment is a basic human right for everyone—no matter where they live, what they look like or how much money they make. Together, we can stand up to a government that is putting polluters first and our children’s future risk.” explained Rhea Suh, President, Natural Resources Defense Council 


“This march is a show of strength and commitment to all peoples and the planet. The threats we face are mighty – from climate deniers that wreck environmental protections to corporate powers that pollute and exploit – but together, we are mightier. We stand together with women in frontline communities around the world who face the worst impacts of climate change and who take action daily to build more resilient communities and to save lives. What’s more, these grassroots women possess the solutions that will guide us to a sustainable way of living," explained Yifat Susskind, Executive Director, MADRE 


Women and allies from Kentucky to Alaska and across the world are marching for climate justice today. From struggles against police violence to the struggle for water, women are drawing liberation from our roots and lifting it up beyond the moment so that those most impacted by dysfunctional Administrations are protected and whole communities and the planet can thrive. We will build this bridge of resistance to May Day and beyond: rooted in our communities, as hubs of  resistance and transformation until there is climate justice for all." explained Angela Adrar, Executive Director, Climate Justice Alliance


“As women, we know all too well that the powerful often seek to silence our voices when we speak out to protect the most vulnerable in our communities. We are here today to show that we refuse to be silenced. All around the world, in city halls, corporate boardrooms and on the streets of our cities women are demanding action to protect the planet from the threat of climate change.”explained Anne Hidalgo, Mayor of Paris and Chair of C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group


"As our communities, sacred lands, our rights, our bodies and our future generations are under attack by the U.S. government controlled by the fossil fuel industry, we come together as women, mothers, sisters, daughters and allies to call for climate justice, respect for our rights and Mother Earth. Justice for our climate, means justice for women, indigenous and frontline communities who are at the forefront of leading the resistance to the expansion of the fossil fuel industry from Richmond, CA to the Amazon rainforest. We are the protectors of Mother Earth and our future generations and we will not stand by idly as our government is taken over by climate deniers who threaten all we hold dear. This is our time!” explained Leila Salazar-López, Executive Director, Amazon Watch



The Women's Earth and Climate Action Network (WECAN) International - @WECAN_INTL


The Women’s Earth and Climate Action Network (WECAN) International is a 501(c)3 and solutions-based organization established to engage women worldwide in policy advocacy, on-the-ground projects, trainings, and movement building for global climate justice.

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